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Capital Project 2021 Information

Capital Improvement Project Vote Results

THANK YOU to our community for supporting our schools! At the May 18th vote, the Capital Improvement Project was approved with 588 - yes votes and 85 - no votes. 

Where to Vote?

Registered Voters can vote at Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington Schools from noon to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 18th. If you have any questions on voting, please contact Jaunita Walter at 716-483-4420 or email her at

Capital Project Overview

no tax impact
On Tuesday, May 18, community residents will have the opportunity to show your support for the Jamestown Public Schools Capital Improvement Project. With voter approval of the proposed capital project, we will be able to invest $86.5 million in the modernization and essential maintenance of our facilities. The renovations and replacements outlined in Capital Project 2022 are much needed improvements to keep our students warm, safe, and dry in a positive learning environment, with zero cost impact to the local taxpayer.

The proposed capital improvements focus on three key areas:

  • modernizing classrooms and student spaces
  • enhanced safety, security, and technology
  • essential maintenance to protect our investment

Warm, Safe and Dry

The Jamestown Public Schools house over 6,000 students and staff in twelve district buildings. Just as property owners regularly renovate and upgrade their homes, we must also update and maintain our school facilities in order to keep our students warm, safe and dry. While we can generally support routine maintenance through our regular budget, sometimes the needed repairs are more extensive, like a new roof, heating and plumbing upgrades, or replacing windows.

Through the previous capital project approved in 2011, we have made a number of improvements in several school buildings over the past decade. As time has passed, new needs and priorities have emerged, particularly in the areas that were not included in the last project. We have recently completed a comprehensive planning process to identify current and future areas of need in all schools. Although we will not be able to address all identified areas of need at this time, the proposed capital project will encompass critical maintenance and construction work as well as enhancements that will have the greatest impact upon student life and learning as well as health and safety.

warm safe dry

The proposed capital project encompasses significant upgrades, replacements, and improvements to our facilities that are beyond the reach of our regular maintenance budget. With voter approval, our district will be eligible to complete much-needed capital improvements with 98% funding through New York State Education Department Building Aid; the remaining 2% will be funded through district reserve funds and other State funds specific to capital improvement work. As a result, with voter approval, we will be able to complete $86 million in capital improvements with no local tax impact.

On behalf of the board of education, administration, faculty, staff, and students of the Jamestown Public Schools, we thank the community for your support.