Special Education
The Jamestown City School District is dedicated to supporting all students! All ten schools within our district are centered around student first interventions. This begins with our Response to Intervention (RTI) services. These services are for all students throughout the district. Once a student has worked through each tier of the RTI process, we then look to support this student by referring them to the special education department. A referral may be made by a student's parent, a designee of the school district in which the child lives, a designee of an education program affiliated with a childcare institution with CSE responsibility, and the commissioner or designee of a public agency with responsibility for welfare, health or education of the child. A request for a referral may be made by a professional staff member of the school district in which the student lives, a licensed physician, a judicial officer and a professional staff member of a public agency with responsibility for welfare, health or education of children. For students ages (5-21) the CSE initial evaluation must be completed within 60 days of receiving parental consent for the evaluation. Eligibility for a student to qualify for special education services, the student must qualify for at least one of the 13 classifications established: Autism, deafness, deaf-blindness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, learning disability, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, or visual impairment. Jamestown City School District's special education services begin with the least restrictive environment and work to keep students in the most inclusive setting possible.
Special Education Services:
12:1:1 classroom can have up to 12 students with one teacher and one classroom aide.
12:1:3 classroom can have up to 12 students, one teacher, and 1 classroom aide for every 3 students.
8:1:1 classroom can have up to 8 students with one teacher and one classroom aide.
15:1 classroom can have up to 15 students with one teacher.
Speech and Language Therapy- Speech-Language Pathologists generally work on articulation concerns and both expressive and receptive language delays.
Consultant Teacher- A Special Education Teacher works with students with disabilities in the general education setting. This allows students to access the general education curriculum along with their peers but provides them some individual support. The special education teacher also works along with General Education Teachers to help support them in differentiating their instruction and providing support for all learners.
Resource Room - This classroom can have a maximum of 5 students in it. It is designed to assist students with skills necessary to be successful.
CSE Chairperson: Jamestown City School District has three chairpersons who hold CPSE/CSE meetings. The Chairperson holds the meeting and ensures that all sections of the IEP are complete, for the student, and involve all stakeholders.
Occupational Therapy- Occupational Therapists work on fine motor skills, such as coloring, cutting, handwriting, picking up small objects, etc. They also work on sensory-motor issues when needed and visual motor as well as visual perceptual skills as well.
Physical Therapy- Physical Therapists work on gross motor skills, such as hopping, skipping, jumping, walking up stairs, etc. They also work on body mechanics and building muscle strength.
Counseling- Counseling is offered throughout our school district. School Counselors are available in each school building to address the needs of the students and to establish connections with our Jamestown families.
Behavioral Specialist- A Behavioral Support Specialist identifies the underlying causes of behaviors. This specialist can provide support to the student, parents, and teachers. The specialist can formulate a plan and give suggestions and techniques to try to help the child succeed.
School Psychologist: School Psychologist are lead evaluators in assessments, RTI, counseling, data support, functional behavioral assessments, and designing behavioral intervention plans.
Special Education Administrators
- Laura Vincent-Inman, CPSE Chairperson
- Melissa Yost, CSE Chairperson (K-6)
- Tammy Johnson, CSE Chairperson (7-12)
- Anna Tryniak, CSE Chairperson for Out of District Placements