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Andrea Kelemen's class has a dance party with their new interactive board.
  • District News
  • Fletcher Elementary School
  • Jamestown High School
Cameron Hurst

Visitors to classrooms across Jamestown Public Schools will notice the addition of some new technology. 

New 86-inch interactive boards produced by LG have been installed in every classroom where there was previously a projector across the district. The interactive boards were made possible through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

“These interactive boards will allow students and teachers to engage during class in so many creative ways,” said Chuck Marzec, Director of Information Services. “In addition, audio systems were improved in each classroom with four ceiling-mounted speakers that use the same technology as RedCat, which teachers previously used.” 

Jeff Kresge and Jason Kathman, JPS Technology Integration Specialists, added that the new boards provide teachers a new versatility that had not previously been explored. 

“Our new LG Smartboards offer interactive touchscreen technology that enhances classroom engagement and collaboration,” Kathman added. “They allow teachers and students to integrate and interact with multimedia content, write directly on the screen, and use intuitive tools during a lesson.”

“With crisp, clear visuals, they perform well in nearly any lighting condition common to classroom settings,” Kresge said. “Additionally, the installation of four new ceiling-mounted speakers ensures that sound from the boards is evenly distributed throughout the room.” 

Each board comes with built-in educational software, including an infinite whiteboard that allows for hundreds of pages per document. 

“In testing last year, one teacher kept all class notes, handouts, images, and materials in a single document and could instantly retrieve the content covered on any given day,” Kresge added. 

The whiteboard software also offers the ability to divide the screen into two to four sections, giving students their own spaces to solve math problems, write, and create.

Andrea Kelemen, a universal pre-kindergarten teacher at Fletcher School, uses her interactive board to hold a dance party for students each day. 

“Students are also able to freely draw on the board,” she said. “It’s been a great way for them to continue to be creative.” 

Heather Schultz uses her board for small group instruction. 

“I really like that the boards can be interactive,” she said. “I can have students come up and label maps, mark up pictures, annotate text, answer questions, complete matching activities, etc. I can also use it as a notes page that kids can copy from if needed, use it to show videos, project student work and use it as a station for group work when I have students divided up. They really enjoy being able to write on it.”

“Jamestown Public Schools is committed to creating a dynamic learning environment, and the new boards are an excellent tool to help both students and teachers achieve that goal every day,” Kresge said.