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JPS Now Pre-Registering UPK Students
Cameron Hurst

JAMESTOWN, N.Y. –  Jamestown Public Schools is now accepting pre-registration for families who are looking to enroll their children in universal pre-kindergarten (UPK)  for the 2025-26 school year. 

The district has two free UPK programs: UPK 3 and UPK 4. Eligible students are children who reside in Jamestown and will be ages 3 or 4 by December 1, 2025. 

UPK 3 sites are limited and are located at Fletcher Elementary School, Love Elementary School, A Children’s Place Daycare Center at First Presbyterian Church at 509 Prendergast Avenue, the YWCA at 401 North Main Street, and Head Start at 1135 North Main Street.

Sites for UPK 4, a full-day program, are located in each JPS elementary school, as well as A Children’s Place, The YMCA Heritage House, the YWCA, and at Head Start. Income eligibility is required for registration for Head Start classes. 

Registration packets will be mailed to pre-registered families in May with directions on the procedure to submit documents to finalize enrollment. Families will be requested to submit a copy of the child’s birth certificate, proof of residency in Jamestown, a parent’s photo ID, physical exam and immunization records. 

To pre-register and ensure your child is on the mailing list for May registration, parents and families are asked to call the JPS Preschool Office at 716-483-4342 or email Denise Heppeler, UPK curriculum support, at